
We are GWÖ certified!

Wir sind GWÖ-zertifiziert!

We did it - after a process lasting several months, we have now completed our GWÖ certification!
It was an exciting journey in which we learned a lot and we are very proud of ourselves. At the same time, it is now time for us to "get to work" because we have identified some areas for improvement and potential that we will be working on in the coming months. We would like to take you with us on our journey to even greater sustainability and transparency and the best way to do this is to start from the very beginning.

What does GWÖ actually mean and what does the certification stand for?

The abbreviation GWÖ stands for Common Good Economy and describes a new understanding of the economy in which the economy serves the environment and people.

In the current economic model, we humans and the environment are used as resources for the economy. In this capitalist world, the goal is to grow and maximize profits by increasing competition and efficiency. This is often accompanied by reckless and irresponsible behavior, which harms people and the environment. The GWÖ wants to counteract this industrial focus of the economy with a new understanding that is oriented towards the common good. We should no longer serve the economy, but the economy should serve us humans and the environment.

In other words, this means that the new economy should generate added value for the benefit of the community. The basis for this is the shared values ​​of human dignity, solidarity & justice, ecological sustainability, transparency & co-decision.

The GWÖ is a movement with a network of members, consultants and companies that are committed to spreading this new economic model. This is done through information, advice, lobbying and the certification of companies. And this is where we, CARRY, come in.

How does the certification process work?

We have been GWÖ certified and have completed a certification process lasting several months together with a consultant and a peer group consisting of three other companies. During this process, not only our products but also the entire company, including our interactions with our environment, were thoroughly examined.

The certification process is based on a matrix that compares ethical and sustainable values ​​with a company's contact groups. The four values ​​represent the fundamental values ​​of the common good economy, i.e. the values ​​by which every company should act. The five contact groups include both the direct employees and owners, as well as the external environment (suppliers, customers and social environment).


For each matrix field, we assessed within our peer group how strongly the respective companies are already committed to the common good. To do this, we presented what we are already doing and were then bombarded with critical questions by our group. After an extensive discussion, a self-assessment and an evaluation by the group followed. Through the exchange in the peer group, some potential for improvement and synergies were identified.

For each matrix field, we recorded all relevant points and discussions in writing in a GWÖ report. This report was then checked by the GWÖ auditors and evaluated according to a points system. The report is not only relevant for certification, but is also publicly accessible as a common good balance sheet and serves as a supplement to the classic, purely financial balance sheet.

You can read more about the results of our certification process, details from our GWÖ report and the action points we took away from the certification process in our next blog post soon.


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