Tipps & Tricks

New Work: Change with four paws!


Often even the smallest changes have a very big impact, including in the workplace. This blog post is about how the concept of New Work can help employees and managers to take off their masks and show themselves in a more holistic and authentic way in the workplace. To do this, we will take a closer look at one of our favorite topics, the influence of dogs in the workplace.

What are we hiding from?

Unfortunately, in many companies, employees and managers still wear an imaginary mask in their daily work routine and hide a large part of their true personality. They hesitate to show their whole selves. Even though the workplace should be a place where we feel enough, not hold back, but discover new parts of ourselves and find and live out our calling. To achieve this, there are many small things that can make a big difference. Most of the methods that bring us more wholeness in the workplace are surprisingly straightforward. We have just become so used to the rigid and almost sterile work environment that many are initially surprised when the changing practices are introduced. These can be things like a safe environment, flexible working hours, a feedback culture and spaces for reflection.


Small changes, big results

Let's start with the simplest elements - for example, bringing the dog to work. In recent years, the trend of welcoming dogs into the workplace has become more and more widespread. Companies are increasingly recognizing the benefits that these furry companions can have for employee satisfaction. According to an analysis by Frederic Laloux, dogs in the office make employees see themselves not just as colleagues, but as people outside of their professional role and thus achieve more wholeness in their everyday working life. We at CARRY, thanks to our Rosie, really enjoy the positive aspects of having a dog in the office and would like to show here how these great four-legged friends can increase your well-being in your everyday working life.


1. Reduce stress and improve the working atmosphere

It's no secret that dogs can have a calming effect on people. Their mere presence in the office can reduce stress and improve the overall working atmosphere. Studies have shown that petting a dog stimulates the release of endorphins, or feel-good hormones, which can lead to a positive mood and relaxation.

2. Promoting employee loyalty

The possibility of bringing your own dog to work can strengthen employees' ties to the company. This brings them one step closer to balancing "family" and work. It creates a family atmosphere and shows that their needs and well-being are valued. This can help employees to identify more strongly with the company and remain loyal in the long term. It creates a sense of community in a subtle way because not only dogs, but also we humans are pack animals.

3. Better productivity and creativity

Dogs in the office can also help increase employee productivity and creativity. Taking a short break to play with the dog helps refresh the mind and recharge. In addition, dogs are the best icebreakers to encourage informal conversations between employees, which in turn can improve collaboration and idea generation.

4. Promote physical activity

Dogs require regular exercise, which encourages employees to take short walks during the day. These breaks not only promote physical health, but can also help clear the mind and improve concentration. Regular exercise during work hours can help improve overall well-being and reduce the risk of work-related health problems such as back pain or cardiovascular disease.

5. Improving work-life balance

Bringing dogs to the office can have a positive impact on employees' work-life balance. They no longer have to worry about leaving their dog alone at home or hiring expensive dog sitters. This can lead to them being able to concentrate better on their work and being less stressed. A good work-life balance contributes significantly to overall satisfaction and productivity.


Note: Consultation with the team is essential

Despite the many benefits that dogs bring to the workplace, it is important to consult with the entire team before introducing this concept. Not everyone feels comfortable around dogs, whether due to allergies, fears or other personal preferences. Open and transparent communication and obtaining the consent of all employees are essential to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and the working atmosphere remains harmonious.

Our office dog Rosie

Maybe you've already wondered who the cute mouse with the brown button eyes is in the photos? That's our office dog Rosie.

On the days when Rosie is in the office, there is a lot of laughter and cuddling. Her cheerful nature brings a special atmosphere to our work environment. It is not uncommon for us to go to the other office to pet Rosie instead of getting a coffee in the kitchen. Her presence reminds us to take short breaks and pay attention to our well-being.

Sometimes a colleague from the shared office brings her dog to the office. On days like these, we make sure that both teams can continue to work undisturbed and that the dogs also have peace and quiet and a place to retreat to.

Rosie is more than just a cute dog in the office; she is an important part of our team who positively influences the working atmosphere. Her presence not only promotes team dynamics but also contributes to a relaxed and productive working environment.


Team CARRY’s conclusion: More dogs in the workplace

Introducing dogs into the workplace can bring about an amazing change that goes beyond just reducing stress. It increases employee satisfaction, improves work-life balance and builds team spirit. At the same time, it encourages more physical activity and can increase employee creativity and productivity. But as with all changes, it's crucial to involve the team in the process and make sure everyone is comfortable with it.

With that in mind, maybe it's time to bring your four-legged friend to the office and experience the positive effects for yourself. Who knows, maybe this will not only make the workplace more productive, but also a little happier and more authentic.



Laloux, F. (2014).Reinventing organizations(Vol. 58). Brussels: Nelson Parker.

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