DIY Pflanzenwand

DIY Pflanzenwand

Du möchtest deine Wohnung mit einer DIY Pflanzenwand, Mooswand oder einem Wandgarten grüner gestalten? Es gibt viele schöne Möglichkeiten, deine Wand mit Pflanzen zu dekorieren. Wir zeigen dir, wie...

Tipps & TricksCarrybottles_Office_Dog_Hund_Wasser_trinken

New Work: Change with four paws!

Often even the smallest changes have a very big impact, including in the workplace. This blog post is about how New Work can help employees and managers to present themselves in a more holistic and...

GesundheitCarrybottles_Mood_Winter_Indoor_Tee Zutaten

Drink more water – with our top 3 favorite teas

Do you have a really good resolution for the new year to drink more water? Do you want to do something for your health and warm up in the winter temperatures? Then try a delicious, homemade tea tha...

NachhaltigkeitBlumen-Zeichen der Liebe oder Umweltkiller?

Flowers: a symbol of love or an environmental killer?

February 14th is Valentine's Day - the day of lovers or the day of the flower trade? There are even rumors that Valentine's Day was secretly staged by florists... Unfortunately, flowers are usually...

GesundheitAchtsam ins neue Jahr

Mindful into the new year

And here we are again: Another year is almost over, faster than we could have imagined. Another crazy year full of surprises, challenges, sadness and joy. Once again we ask ourselves: Where has th...

DIYDIY Lippenbalm

DIY lip balm

Did you know that it's pretty easy to make your own lip balm? With just a few basic ingredients you can make a great care product, high quality, inexpensive and natural :) You can also personalize ...

GesundheitAchtsamkeit in der Vorweihnachtszeit

Mindfulness in the run-up to Christmas

Mindfulness describes a state of clarity and clear awareness. From less stress to better sleep to an improved mood - a mindful lifestyle has an incredible number of positive effects on us. We're sh...

GesundheitLeckerer Punsch

Delicious punch

Wintertime is punch time - also at CARRY! Just because many Christmas markets are closed doesn't mean you have to miss out on the delicious drink. Quite the opposite, because homemade punch tastes...

NachhaltigkeitUnverpackt Verband e.V. - Wir sind Fördermitglied

Unverpackt Verband eV - We are a supporting member

Almost three-quarters of Germans are enthusiastic about the concept of packaging-free stores, but so far only 10% of Germans have ever shopped there. In this article you can read why we are a suppo...

NachhaltigkeitDer persönliche Wasserfußabdruck

The personal water footprint

In our last blog article, we delved a little deeper into the water supply in Germany. This confirmed to us how important it is to reduce your personal water footprint. But what exactly is the water...

DIYDIY Kastanien Waschmittel

DIY chestnut detergent

You can easily make organic detergent from chestnuts! The reason for this is the saponins contained in chestnuts (among other things), which have a similar effect to soap. This way you can make a n...

NachhaltigkeitLeitungswasser trinken - aber bitte mit Geschmack!

Drink tap water - but please taste it!

Drinking enough water can be a bit boring in the long run? In this article we will show you : tap water is anything but boring! We will share with you everything you need to know about flavored ta...

Carrybottle5 Tipps, wie wir unsere Trinkflasche reinigen

5 tips on how to clean our drinking bottle

We've probably all experienced it before. Friday night is calling and everything is quickly put aside and the water bottle is forgotten in the backpack. If you like drinking juice or spritzers, you...