
Unverpackt Verband eV - We are a supporting member

Unverpackt Verband e.V. - Wir sind Fördermitglied

The zero waste movement is growing: more and more consumers are consciously choosing to shop without packaging every day. And it's about time, because in Germany everyone produces more than 450 kg of waste per year - half of which comes from packaging!

Why is zero waste such an important issue? Is packaging not recycled and reused in Germany? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is still no. According to the Federal Environment Agency, only 69% of the packaging waste generated is recycled. Some of it is then burned or exported, especially to countries in the Global South without functioning recycling systems. That is why the motto is: avoid packaging wherever possible - before it is produced. The five zero waste principles help with this:

The five zero-waste principles

REFUSE Reject what is unnecessary

REDUCE Reduce consumption - minimize waste

REUSE Extend service life - avoid disposable products

RECYCLE Pay attention to recyclability and separate waste

RETHINK Questioning what has been learned - Rethinking

Packaging is sometimes necessary for shipping our glass drinking bottles to prevent glass breakage. Just last year we switched to a cardboard box made of grass paper. This contains 25% grass fibers in addition to conventional pulp. By sun-drying the grass fibers used, production is also very energy-efficient - up to ⅓ less energy is used. By switching to grass paper we save over half of the CO2 emissions, the amount of water and the chemicals.

Making unpackaged shopping accessible to everyone

Almost three-quarters of Germans are enthusiastic about the concept of unpackaged stores, but so far only 10% of Germans have ever shopped there. As a supporting member, we want to change that together with the Unverpackt Association. Among other things, we supported the crowdfunding campaign of Unverpackt eV for their guide to unpackaged shopping . This is intended to motivate people with instructions on unpackaged shopping and to offer scientifically based information, recipes and concrete tips on the topic of waste avoidance. We are convinced that unpackaged shopping is an important step towards a climate-friendly and waste-free future for all of us.

A short introduction to unpackaged shopping

You bring your own container from home, for example Tupperware containers, storage jars and cotton bags. These are first weighed empty. Then the containers are filled with all kinds of food and everyday items. This is then weighed again and then paid for by weight. Unpackaged stores receive many of their products in paper bags or returnable containers. Products such as nuts and muesli are still delivered in large plastic bags, as otherwise they would not survive the long transport routes.

Tips for your unpackaged shopping

  1. Get help and advice
  2. Allow enough time
  3. Have larger quantities filled in the warehouse
  4. Bring funnels for narrow and special openings
  5. Intermediate weighing
  6. Pay attention to peak times
  7. Exchange ideas with other customers
  8. Introduce a packaging-free shopping day

Not everyone has a packaging-free store around the corner yet. Nevertheless, it is an exciting concept that deserves much more attention and is becoming more and more established in cities. If you are still looking for a packaging-free store near you, you can find an overview map here .

Values ​​and goals of the Unverpackt Association

The Association of Unpackaged Stores was founded on April 21, 2018 in Nuremberg. Its values ​​and goals are defined here:

  • to represent and promote the interests of its members
  • to promote constructive, fair and common good-oriented economic activity
  • to promote the zero waste philosophy and the specialist trade expertise of its members
  • promoting research leading to sustainable packaging and logistics systems
  • to raise awareness of environmental problems, to show and demonstrate to producers, retailers and consumers waste-avoiding and resource-saving ways of consuming and doing business
  • to actively promote the protection of the natural resources of humans, animals and plants

A major problem in today's economic market is the global value chains, which usually involve long distances and therefore also require protection through packaging. However, this is usually not ecological, often made of plastic and causes environmental problems in production and disposal.

The vision of the Association of Unpackaged Stores therefore consists of seven points:

  1. Disposable plastic sales packaging and unnecessary packaging are completely eliminated.
  2. Reuse replaces disposable packaging whenever reuse is more ecologically advantageous.
  3. All packaging is 100% reusable, recyclable or compostable.
  4. Packaging made from fossil primary raw materials is completely avoided.
  5. All packaging is free of hazardous chemicals.
  6. The health, safety and rights of all people involved are respected.
  7. No packaging is used whose raw materials contribute to deforestation, endanger biodiversity, have been genetically modified or affect the use of agricultural land for food.

Based on the Nutri-Score for the nutritional labelling of food, the Unverpackt Association has created an Unverpackt Score:

What can we do?

If you are now wondering how you can support this association that advocates for your future, there are great opportunities! Not only as a business partner but also as an enthusiastic supporter of the unpackaged movement, you have the opportunity to support the association as a supporting member. For more information about Unverpackt eV, click here . We at CARRY believe that not everyone has to or can live 100% sustainably, but if we all take small steps in the right direction, we can stop the waste problem. Are you in?



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