Du möchtest deine Wohnung mit einer DIY Pflanzenwand, Mooswand oder einem Wandgarten grüner gestalten? Es gibt viele schöne Möglichkeiten, deine Wand mit Pflanzen zu dekorieren. Wir zeigen dir, wie...

Did you know that it's pretty easy to make your own lip balm? With just a few basic ingredients you can make a great care product, high quality, inexpensive and natural :) You can also personalize ...

Every year again: December is getting closer and the anticipation of a beautiful and contemplative Christmas season is growing. Why always buy the same chocolate Advent calendar in the supermarket ...

You can easily make organic detergent from chestnuts! The reason for this is the saponins contained in chestnuts (among other things), which have a similar effect to soap. This way you can make a n...

Our 3 favorite last minute DIY gifts
It doesn't take much to give your loved ones a little gift - just a few ingredients and a little time. In this blog post we present our favorite last minute gifts. Of course plastic-free, sustaina...