Leckeres Chia Pudding Rezept

Delicious Chia Pudding Recipe

Chia Pudding Meal Prep zum Frühstück - Wir zeigen dir heute, was du für ein gesundes Frühstück beachten solltest und wie du mit wenigen Zutaten eine ausgewogene, leckere und abwechslungsreiche Mahl...

GesundheitCarrybottles_Mood_Winter_Indoor_Tee Zutaten

Drink more water – with our top 3 favorite teas

Do you have a really good resolution for the new year to drink more water? Do you want to do something for your health and warm up in the winter temperatures? Then try a delicious, homemade tea tha...

GesundheitSalat aus geröstetem Buchweizen

Roasted buckwheat salad

Many regionally available ingredients are the basis for this delicious and healthy recipe from the Good Food Collective 's "Three days of climate-friendly cooking" challenge. Ideal for a nutritious...

GesundheitOmega-3-Porridge mit Fruchtkompott

Omega-3 porridge with fruit compote

This porridge provides you with plenty of Omega 3 for the whole day! :) It is the breakfast of day three of the Good Food Collective's "Three days of climate-friendly cooking" challenge . This reci...

GesundheitVegane Linsenbolognese

Vegan lentil bolognese

Everyone knows it and everyone loves it: Spaghetti Bolognese - part of many childhood dreams and memories. The good news: Estella Schweizer's vegan, climate-friendly alternative is almost better th...

GesundheitScrambled Tofu klimafreundlich

Scrambled tofu with jacket potatoes and spinach

This is dinner from day two of the Good Food Collective's "Three Days of Climate-Friendly Cooking" challenge . Do you also love scrambled eggs? Then there's good news, because this recipe is purely...

GesundheitOrientalischer Kichererbsensalat klimafreundlich

Oriental chickpea salad

This is lunch from day two of the Good Food Collective's "Three Days of Climate-Friendly Cooking" challenge . You can expect a delicious and healthy chickpea salad with oriental flavors and locally...

GesundheitFünf Minuten Haferbrei

Five minutes of porridge

For everyone taking part in the Good Food Collective's "Three Days of Climate-Friendly Cooking" challenge: This is the regional, plant-based and healthy breakfast for day two . We love this warm br...


Bircher muesli

With this delicious recipe from Estella Schweizer , expert in climate-friendly cooking, you are guaranteed to have a great start to the day. The muesli is easy to prepare, tastes fantastic and is a...

GesundheitBerglinsensalat mit Greens und Kürbiskernen

Mountain lentil salad with greens and pumpkin seeds

This mountain lentil salad is lunch from day 1 - 3 of the Good Food Collective 's climate-friendly cooking days . It was created by Estella Schweizer, an expert in climate-friendly cooking, and pro...

GesundheitProteinreiche Nuss-Frikadellen mit Kidneybohnen

Protein-rich nut meatballs with kidney beans

This is the dinner of day 1 of the challenge "3 days of climate-friendly cooking" of the Good Food Collective. The recipe was created by Estella Schweizer , an expert in climate-friendly cooking, ...

GesundheitRosenkohl-Pasta Blitz-Rezept

Brussels Sprout Pasta Quick Recipe

With this quick recipe you can also use Brussels sprouts that no longer look fresh on the outside. This recipe with smoked tofu is similar to traditional cabbage recipes with ham or sausages - in t...

GesundheitLauwarmer Rotkohlsalat

Lukewarm red cabbage salad

Do you know those types of vegetables that you see very often, eat less often and almost never prepare? For us, red cabbage is definitely one of them. There is usually a lack of ideas and knowledge...