
Are we a startup?

Do you have a table tennis table in the office? We often hear this question when we say: We work at CARRY, a startup in Berlin. That's why we want to clear up the startup clichés, or maybe even con...

Unsere WerteEinfach_Liebe_Pride_Carrybottles

Simply Love

This weekend in Berlin, everything is about love. The CSD takes place on July 22nd and many celebrate it with colorful flags, lots of glitter, creative outfits and loud music 🎉 But what is this col...


Jungle Project

Forests protect the climate, purify the air and store water. Unfortunately, there are hardly any natural forests left in Germany. That is why we donate €5 for every CARRY Bottle INTO THE WOODS for ...

CarrybottleCARRY Bottle Boobies zum Thema Brustkrebsvorsorge

Let's talk about boobies

For us, the CARRY Bottle is like a blank canvas. We want to use this space to address topics that are important to us and that we want to educate people about, such as health. This also includes pr...

CarrybottleCARRY Bottle Kooperation mit Y.Illustrations Selbstliebe und Achtsamkeit

Me, Myself & I

I'm grateful, I'm enough, I'm loved, I'm strong Loving yourself is not that easy on some days. But at the same time, it is also the foundation for satisfaction and fulfillment in life. Self-love...

CarrybottleWir sind GWÖ-zertifiziert! (Teil 2)

We are GWÖ certified! (Part 2)

Our experience report on GWÖ certification! We have successfully completed the certification - now the really exciting part of the internal implementation begins. We would like to explain to you in...

CarrybottleWir sind GWÖ-zertifiziert!

We are GWÖ certified!

We did it - after a process lasting several months, we have now completed our GWÖ certification! It was an exciting journey in which we learned a lot and we are very proud of ourselves. At the same...

GesundheitSalat aus geröstetem Buchweizen

Roasted buckwheat salad

Many regionally available ingredients are the basis for this delicious and healthy recipe from the Good Food Collective 's "Three days of climate-friendly cooking" challenge. Ideal for a nutritious...

GesundheitOmega-3-Porridge mit Fruchtkompott

Omega-3 porridge with fruit compote

This porridge provides you with plenty of Omega 3 for the whole day! :) It is the breakfast of day three of the Good Food Collective's "Three days of climate-friendly cooking" challenge . This reci...

GesundheitVegane Linsenbolognese

Vegan lentil bolognese

Everyone knows it and everyone loves it: Spaghetti Bolognese - part of many childhood dreams and memories. The good news: Estella Schweizer's vegan, climate-friendly alternative is almost better th...

GesundheitScrambled Tofu klimafreundlich

Scrambled tofu with jacket potatoes and spinach

This is dinner from day two of the Good Food Collective's "Three Days of Climate-Friendly Cooking" challenge . Do you also love scrambled eggs? Then there's good news, because this recipe is purely...

GesundheitOrientalischer Kichererbsensalat klimafreundlich

Oriental chickpea salad

This is lunch from day two of the Good Food Collective's "Three Days of Climate-Friendly Cooking" challenge . You can expect a delicious and healthy chickpea salad with oriental flavors and locally...

GesundheitFünf Minuten Haferbrei

Five minutes of porridge

For everyone taking part in the Good Food Collective's "Three Days of Climate-Friendly Cooking" challenge: This is the regional, plant-based and healthy breakfast for day two . We love this warm br...