DIY Adventskalender

DIY Advent Calendar

Every year again: December is getting closer and the anticipation of a beautiful and contemplative Christmas season is growing. Why always buy the same chocolate Advent calendar in the supermarket ...

GesundheitOnepot Zitronenreis mit Weißkohl

Onepot lemon rice with white cabbage

This one-pot dish is warming soul food that is also super healthy and perfect for cold days. We combine refreshing lemon rice with regional, seasonal white cabbage, warming spices and peanuts for a...

NachhaltigkeitDer persönliche Wasserfußabdruck

The personal water footprint

In our last blog article, we delved a little deeper into the water supply in Germany. This confirmed to us how important it is to reduce your personal water footprint. But what exactly is the water...

CarrybottleCremige Hafer-Cashewmilch

Creamy oat cashew milk

Finally, a homemade oat milk that can compete with the store-bought version! In our search for the perfect recipe for vegan milk alternatives, we finally came up with this recipe. The key ingredien...

GesundheitIndischer Masala Chai

Indian Masala Chai

The classic Masala Chai is sold by street vendors on almost every corner in India. The delicious, creamy drink made from black tea, spices and milk needs to be boiled for a while so that all the sp...

DIYDIY Kastanien Waschmittel

DIY chestnut detergent

You can easily make organic detergent from chestnuts! The reason for this is the saponins contained in chestnuts (among other things), which have a similar effect to soap. This way you can make a n...

GesundheitLeichte Zucchini-Erbsen-Suppe

Light zucchini and pea soup

Conjure up a green, summery meadow right on your plate! The peas make this soup deliciously creamy and yet light. Both in taste and in preparation. This zucchini pea soup is a quick dish if you wan...

GesundheitDal mit Blumenkohl

Dal with cauliflower

This year we welcomed autumn with an Indian-inspired dal with a hint of lemon, topped with fresh vegetables from the oven. We used seasonal cauliflower and Chinese cabbage, of course. You can adapt...

CarrybottleWasserknappheit: Geht Deutschland das Trinkwasser aus?

Water shortage: Is Germany running out of drinking water?

Actually, everyone knows that we should save water. On the other hand, we keep hearing that there is enough water available in Germany. So what is true and is it really necessary to save water? We ...



A short walk for you, a big step for Germany: Climate strike on September 24th! This is how Fridays for Future announced this year's Global Climate Strike. Fridays for Future is now the largest you...

NachhaltigkeitLeitungswasser trinken - aber bitte mit Geschmack!

Drink tap water - but please taste it!

Drinking enough water can be a bit boring in the long run? In this article we will show you : tap water is anything but boring! We will share with you everything you need to know about flavored ta...

CarrybottlePerson sitzt an Schreibtisch mit Laptop

Our new designs - A look behind the scenes

Our eagerly awaited summer designs are finally freshly printed and can be ordered from today! 🎉 So it's high time to take a closer look at the new ones. Clear the stage for our seven motifs from th...


CARRY meets Glitter Power Club

For International Women's Day, Naïma from GLITTER POWER CLUB, a design agency from France, has drawn three beautiful, colorful designs with lots of girl power for us. Naïma, tell us about it!